Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 9 - Blogga Please

Just under 1/3 of the way finished with this project and I'm finding this a little easier to do every day. For whatever reason I've been a bit nostalgic in the past few posts so I'm going to steer clear of that completely today and focus on something that's affecting the country as a whole. This epidemic (possibly soon to be pandemic) is sweeping across the country with such a great ferocity its a little troublesome that it has been left unchecked for this long. What I am referring to is, of course, the Jonas Brothers.

Now I understand little kids want to listen to other little kids singing. At least I hope that's the reason I saw a Nickelodeon kids Sing-Along CD of kids singing to Weezer's "Island in the Sun", talk about never wanting to hear that song again. I mean it was during the height of that song's popularity, maybe four or five years ago, and it was a catchy pop rock song and all, but once you've heard a group of pre-pubescent boys and girls singing along in the same high pitched monotone voice you forever need to edit that song out of your memory, your iPod, and your life. Fucking sellouts.

Anyway so like I was saying, yeah little kids like to hear other little kids singing songs, I guess I understand that...sort of. Although I'm not even sure little kids would put up with the shit that they were singing on that Sing-Along CD. But where the hell do the Jonas Brothers get off going onto Saturday Night Live and Conan O' Brien in the past few months? I mean do they legitimately think that they're this far-reaching super-pop-rock band that people of all ages just loves to hear? And where exactly do those sons' a bitches at SNL get off thinking that I would be interested in hearing those douchey Hanson wannabes jumping around and "singing". I only ask why they would be interested in ME seeing/hearing/begrudgingly living through them because last I checked I'm approximately the target audience for Saturday Night Live. I mean what parents let their 9 year old daughters (the approximate audience for the Jonas Brothers) sit up until midnight to watch Andy Samberg sing with T-Pain about railing a mermaid, before seeing their make-up wearing "Rock Gods" perform.

I mean nothing against 9 year olds, but for fuck's sake there's a reason that I don't watch Nickelodeon or whatever it is 9 year olds watch. Because its terrible and 9 year olds suck. Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers need to disappear, and fast. Taylor Swift, she's hot, let's leave her out of this. If this is the next wave of "talented" "musicians" then count me out. I mean I'm basically a complete audiophile, but if this is the next wave, I'm done, no more fucking music for me. And fuck off Rolling Stone magazine. You put these douchenozzles on your cover? Since when did you go from a Rock N' Roll mag to Teen People. I couldn't be happier that I canceled my subscription.

Now I'm not necessarily blaming Conan or SNL for having these shiteaters on their shows as I realize that they need ratings, but come on guys. I remember when Conan had the White Stripes on for a week straight or when Arcade Fire's Win Butler (only last year!) smashed his guitar on stage in the middle of their performance. There are so many better bands out there that your typical viewers ACTUALLY listen to and would enjoy seeing during what is essentially the intermission of your show. So next time you need to book a musical guest and you're stuck deciding between the "JoBros", "Miley" or ANYONE else, for the love of Christ choose the ANYONE ELSE.