Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 4 - The Punch You in Your Facebook Blog

Before I begin today, I thought I should point out that this blogging activity is in no way allowed to encroach on my weekend time. Therefore when I say 30 days of blogging I actually am referring to 30 days of weekday blogging. Maybe with an occasional weekend smattering. Okay, now with that out of the way.

I've begun to notice a new trend on everyone's favorite time wasting website, Facebook. Recently people have been exploiting their status updates to inform the world just how shitty their daily lives are. A day doesn't go by that there aren't 3 or 4 people updating their status to something uplifting like:

Jamie Whiner is having the WORST DAY EVER!"


Harold Emo doesn't know how he'll get through this awful awful day! I can't wait to get home and watch Gossip Girl... :("

For the love of Christ, what could possibly be going on in your day or week that makes your day THE WORST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD? I mean usually if I'm having a bad day I know it, but I'm able to put things in perspective. For instance, say I'm driving to work and some douche in front of me throws his ice cream cone out the window onto my windshield causing me to drive off of a bridge into oncoming traffic. Okay, well that sucks...and though it might be a contender, its not THE WORST DAY EVER. If Facebook was around in the 1940's then maybe there'd be some legitimate gripes to post with WORST DAY EVER tags as their status updates. For example, say you're minding your business, blogging in the attic of your house where you've been hiding in Nazi occupied Amsterdam for over two years, when suddenly the Germans come storming in to take you to a concentration camp. Now there, that's an excellent use for the whiny WORST DAY EVER title:

Anne Frank ZOMG just captured by Nazi's being sent to Auschwitz, :( WORST DAY EVER!"

Usually when these bitchers bitch about their days its about how they forgot their coffee on top of their car in the morning and drove off or how they left their Lean Cuisine for lunch sitting on the kitchen counter and it might be ruined by the time they get done with class/work 4 hours later. If that's seriously the biggest problem in your life, or if you're deriving that much stress from such a menial bullshit thing you need to get over yourself. People just need to remember that no matter what shitty shit is happening in your life tomorrow can always be worse! How's that for optimism? So moral of the story, next time you think you're having THE WORST DAY EVER have a little perspective, you losing your favorite eraser or forgetting to bring your frozen lunch does not, nor will it EVER, merit you to use the worst day ever status update--that should be saved and used only when appropriate.


  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzohmygod! best one yet !

  2. Worst Day Ever #1 - Ketchup Down My Pants and my phone died.

  3. A little late to the game, no?
