Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 12 - Blog Me Where the Pampers Is

Today's blog is not going to be much of an entry, especially compared to yesterday, but I gotta keep the streak alive.

So I'm trying to accomplish my goal of 100 followers and a top 250 overall blog on blogspot before I reach my 30 day blog goal. However, this goal is a bit more complicated and a bit more difficult than I first surmised. I have recently registered this on Technorati in an attempt to increase blog traffic. If any one actually does read this and they have yet to "follow" this blog I would appreciate it if you could do so, as well as possibly passing this along to other people who have either no lives or an excess of time to kill on the internet. Also if anyone has any other ideas as to how to increase blog traffic that would be awesome...just post suggestions in the comments please!

Okay well like I said today is short, I'll make up for it tomorrow--no diggity...no doubt (Blackstreet reference no big deal). Peace!


  1. Hey Roland.

    If you'd like more traffic, I'd recommend shortening your posts in terms of text length, and perhaps adding a photo or two to keep people interested.

    It's okay to have a lot to say, but you've got to remember that this is the internet. For starters, statistically people read slower from a computer screen than they actually would from paper. Also remember that there isn't much time in the day, and a lot of people often read blogs in their spare time when they are on the run.

    I'm not saying that you should only write 2 sentences and call it a day, but I am saying that you should shorten your posts a little bit. If you've shrunken your post a bit and still have even more to say, consider saving whatever else you had to say for another blog post. Also, remember to add a little eye candy (photo that relates to the subject youre tlaking about). Can't stress that enough. I mean, it may not seem like a huge deal, but it is. It works. It's the little things that work. You can take your own pictures, or borrow an image from somewhere.

    Just my 2 cents.

    P.S. I read your post where you stated that a lot of blogs aren't truly blogs, more like photo blogs with a few captions here and there. Like I said, you don't have to become one of those blogs. Just shorten things a little bit.

  2. Lol, I seem so hypocritical. Look at that comment of mine! It's long winded and repeats itself. xD

  3. Hey Lee,

    Thanks for the heads up, I think it's good advice. I completely agree about the pictures thing too, I definitely need to infuse more images into these.

    Thanks for reading, and for the heads up!
