Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 14 - The STFU Blog

At some point in the 2000s (maybe even the late 90s) a set of acronyms were established as normal dialogue for use in texting, chatting, and now most recently dialogue. Who said this was okay? Where the fuck was I when we were having this meeting, and who called it and invited seemingly everyone else to it? I'll be the first to admit that lol or LOL or LoL or whatever the hell has crept into my online chatting vocabulary. I'm not sure exactly how it permeated my internet lexicon but it has and for some reason its here to stay.

WTF is another one of those creeping death to your English teacher's best efforts type of acronyms that has now fully substantiated itself in my IM and text message thesaurus. I use WTF and LOL probably far too often, and I realize it. But as far as I'm concerned with texting and im'ing (is that right? Goddamn computers ruining the English language) once the words are typed there are only a few instances that should legitimately for editing. One of them being obvious typos; for instance, if you mean to type "Regards" but your finger slips off the G key and instead types the nearby T key, a typo edit is justified there.

There are really very few other times when an edit is justifiable. As far as I'm concerned chatting and texting should be stream of consciousness (similar to some blogs out there...), meaning whatever comes to mind should be put to paper...or keyboard/screen, whatever. I mean in face-to-face interactions you don't get to go back and redo what's already been said, so why should online interactions be any different.

Some of the acronyms that people use are just stupid, ROFL or the apparently more evolved ROFLcopter...I mean does that even make sense? At any point in your life have you or has anyone around you said something so UNBELIEVABLY hysterical that you actually FALL TO THE GROUND and commence ROLLING and laughing? Not only that, has anyone ever been rolling on the ground and then started doing the Homer Simpson Helicopter Walk on the ground? Doubtful, I'm not completely ruling it out, but I'll just leave it at doubtful.

I can envision a future where we no longer speak in sentences or even broken phrases. There we'll spouting OMG's, TMI's, STFU's to each other performing ROFLcopters, meanwhile aliens will touchdown, acknowledge that we're a bunch of fucking idiots and then leave. There goes our only chance at First Contact, we'll blow it with our fragmented jibberish and reGarded behavior, they'll turn our planet into a slave colony and we'll be there arguing with our overlords, "WTF GTFOOH, TIMH. (Translation: WTF Get the Fuck out of Here, This is My House).

Well in honor of our future enslavement, I'm branding a few new internet acroynms, feel free to use these at your own whim, just remember where you got them and use them wisely.

TIMH: This is My House (Used above I know, but its solid)
NFC: No Fuckin' Clue
YSDBAG: You Stupid Douchebag

Those are my three, I'll periodically add to these as I think of them. Its obviously FAR more fun to use acronyms if you are the only one who knows what they mean...that's like 90% of what being an Engineer entails. YSDBG.

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