This week's music recommendation goes to:

I was recently turned onto this English folk band, but immediately identified with it. I'm not sure whether its the style of the music, the banjo or the mandolin, the lyrics or even the voice of Marcus Mumford, I'm just not sure. Its a bit like a slightly more epic Band of Horses album, and if you're a fan of the latter you'll in all likelihood dig this. Marcus Mumford's "angry" tone during his songs remind me of Ed Kowalczyk (Live) which adds further to the familiarity of their sound. I wish I could say that I've been a fan of these guys for years, but it simply isn't true. My exposure to them is limited to hearing the song "The Cave" somewhere before and not knowing who sang it and having the album suggested to me yesterday. If you're looking for some new music that's a combination of traditional Irish drinking songs and Fleet Foxes with the grandiose of a Decemberists performance than look no further. The full album is solid; however, if you're one of those miscreants who needs further provocation to listen to a full album then see the two songs below--if you don't like those well then I wouldn't bother with the rest of the album.
Rating: 8.5/10
Little Lion Man
The Cave
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