As I mentioned yesterday, I wasn't able to update the blog over the weekend and left all you avid readers (all zero of you), with a cliffhanger to grit your teeth over for what must have felt like eons...ooooor you probably didn't really notice it and if I'm lucky you might read this, or not...either way, whatever.
So as I was saying, this past weekend something fairly major happened. You might have noticed over the past 18 days that I've referred to my LONG TIME girlfriend multiple times throughout a few different stories in this blog. Well this past weekend, I am officially no longer with dating this LONG TIME girlfriend, I am now officially ENGAGED to my short time fiance. I figure since its a fairly worthwhile story, since its kind of a life-changing event, I should probably tell it here.
I'm going to try and tell the story first from her perspective, and then from mine.
Her Perspective
She came home from work on Thursday after going into work anywhere between 5 and 6 am every day that week. Her 9-year anniversary had just come and passed, and she had only briefly discussed making any plans to celebrate. They typically went somewhere for their yearly anniversary, but no formal plans had been planned as of yet. They had planned on probably doing something in October since they knew they were heading out of town the next weekend, it being Labor Day and all.
They just had some of their friends from back home visit, and were fairly worn out from the very active and late-night filled weekend, so she was exhausted when she came home from work that night. Her boyfriend had come home from work, a little later than usual that night, but nothing out of the ordinary. Neither of them felt like cooking dinner that night so they decided to go get a salad from the nearby grocery store. While eating their salads, her boyfriend posed the question, "Where should we go for our anniversary?"
They discussed a few different options: going to San Diego, heading up to LA for the weekend, Vegas (old reliable), and Santa Barbara. They couldn't decide, they all sounded fun but none of them sounded too spectacular.
Her boyfriend then chimed in, "Let's go to Santa Barbara tomorrow, we've never really been there for any amount of time. It'll be fun we can just go for a night, or maybe play hookie and go all weekend."
She hesitated, sort of underwhelmed by the prospects of spending her anniversary there, but then sort of warmed to the idea. It was a fairly unexplored city for them and she'd heard there was a lot of cool restaurants and shops as well as college bars, meaning fun. She knew she had some previous engagements on Saturday, but decided to go for it anyway.
"Sure it'll be fun, maybe we can stay all weekend. I have Carolyn's dress fitting on Saturday, but I've already been fitted, I think I can skip it."
They discussed and then planned on taking the train straight up to Santa Barbara after work, they would carpool and only leave one car at the station. It worked perfectly because there was a 511 pm train and they'd arrive in Santa Barbara by 730 pm that night, just in time for dinner and drinks. Out of convenience, and since he had to be to work extra early in the morning, her boyfriend proposed going to grab some breakfast at 5 am. Since they were carpooling, they could grab some breakfast, he could drop her off at work, work through the day, pick her up at 430 or so from work, and then head to the train station.
So that was that, they packed their bags that night in preparation for the morning and went to bed early, since they had to be up by 4 am in order to get ready and head to the IHOP for breakfast. He kissed her goodnight saying that he had to finish folding the laundry and then he she fell asleep.
The alarm sounded the next morning. She awoke to find that the laundry had all been folded and their suitcase was packed for the weekend. Her boyfriend was, seemingly, awake and ready to go. He carried the suitcase down to the car, threw it in the backseat. The starting of the car engine broke the silence of the early morning. He turned on the wipers erasing the morning dew, flipped on the headlights and backed out of their covered parking spot and then headed off into the night to get their pancake breakfast.
She could tell they were both tired, since they weren't really talking much that morning. They didn't have far to go to get breakfast, maybe once they both got some coffee and some pancakes in them they'd chipper up. They were nearly to the restaurant and suddenly her boyfriend spoke up, "I have a surprise for you."
Taken aback a little bit, she spoke, "You do?"
"Yep, so...we're not going to Santa Barbara tonight."

"What! Where are we going then?" she asked excitedly.
"We're going to San Francisco, our flight leaves in an hour and a half," he said as he turned his blinker on and pulled into the turn lane leading into John Wayne Airport. She looked to her right, completely surprised. Out of the passenger side window she could see the blue illuminated block lettering of the IHOP restaurant, as the car into the airport she no longer cared about the pancakes, she was going to San Francisco.
"I can't believe you did this, how did you do this without telling me?!"
Her boyfriend didn't say much other than about how happy that she was surprised, afraid that somehow she knew or that someone had let the cat out of the bag about this surprise trip.
I will leave the end of this story for the Wednesday and Thursday entries. I hope you end up reading these entries and the conclusion, and if not well probably suck anyway.
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