So the past two days have been dedicated to reiterating what I believed my fiance's part of the engagement story entailed. I'm sure this is at least a litte, or quite a bit, off base; but just go with it.
My Perspective
Three Weeks Before San Francisco
My side of the story starts a bit earlier than where we picked up with her story, three weeks earlier in fact. We had been ring shopping or browsing a lot lately, and she finally figured out what she wanted. I had already put the veto on a $28k ring so basically anything she found would have to be better than that.
The day we found it we went to lunch shortly afterwards. and I had to sneak away to "use the restroom" and call the jewelers to tell them to reserve the ring. The reason I was so eager to lock up the ring as soon as possible was because the searching process had taken an INCREDIBLY long time since I happened to date one of the more "picky" people I've ever met when it comes to these sort of things.
Two Weeks Before San Francisco
At this point I knew that at some point soon I wanted to pop the question, but I was struggling to figure out how I wanted to go about doing so. I had done quite a bit of research online and had narrowed the venue city down to Las Vegas, Cabo San Lucas or San Francisco. There were obvious pluses and minuses to each of these options.
Cabo San Lucas
This wasn't really much of a contender given the unfamiliarity with it, the fact that it is the heart of hurricane season, and that there was at least the off-chance that she could get captured and sold into any number of "trades", none of which end well. Though I did some research on this and the prices were reasonable, I decided that the risk of becoming a potential organ farm for the Mexican mafia was not all that appealing...
As a side-note turns out it was a good thing I did due to the fact that there was a CATEGORY 4 hurricane that hit Cabo San Lucas during the time that we would have potentially been there...Intuition is a hell of a thing...
Las Vegas
Las Vegas had some special meaning to us in the fact that our first vacation outside of Minnesota took place there. Granted we stayed at the Gold Coast and had literally no money to gamble with AND we spent five days there. Turns out five days is a long time to be in Las Vegas and NOT gamble, not only that most of our drinks came from the hotel gift shop and were concocted in the room.
Anyway so there was the sentimental value to a trip to Las Vegas, but really that seemed a little on the hokey side so it really needed more than that to be the winner. What it was really going to boil down to was where I could pull off the proposal. That was all that REALLY mattered. After some research there were a few options that weren't awful:
-Bellagio restaurant overlooking the fountain show

The first option had a major drawback in that it was very public. Although people do it all the time on TV and in movies, I can't actually imagine that a public proposal goes over very well. I'm basically completely basing this off of a guy I saw get rejected when he proposed to his potential fiance at a Kansas City Royals game--the proposal ended in her laughing and leaving a hand shaped rosy print across his face as she stormed away. So I didn't really want that, which brings me to the next.
-The top of a hotel overlooking the strip (Hangover style)

I had read that you can get a few of the hotels on the strip to allow you to go up to the roof top where you can arrange for them to have a table, a bottle of Cris, and some caviar or whatever else you want up there. That sounded like a pretty good option, but it was still Vegas and there was something about Las Vegas that maybe was best left "corrupted". Not to mention I didn't really want my engagement to take place in a city perhaps most notably associated with what I'll simply call "non-monogamous" behavior....
However, had I opted for this option, and she said no...well, the buildings in Las Vegas are pretty, prettay tall and I've heard it CAN get very windy up there...I'm just sayin' that's what I've HEARD...
-The "I've Got Balls" method

Right. Then there was old reliable, which if I had any balls at all (and no self-respect or respect for my potential fiance) I would have pulled. Every time we've been to Vegas we've made it a point to go to Bill's Gambling Hall (formerly the Barbary Coast) and get a 99 cent margarita from their miniscule bar. In the alternate universe where this plan is executed I drop the ring in one of the margaritas, wait till she finishes the frosty beverage and spots the ring, then drop the bomb on her. "So we gettin' married er what?" God it would be awesome though...
San Francisco
I'll skip the formalities and the reasoning behind this city, since if you've been reading this blog (which we both know you haven't been) you'll know that this was the winner. I'll just mention that we had always wanted to go there, living in California (especially Orange County) there weren't many actual "cities" so it was like a little taste of New York on the west coast. Plus to a lot of people San Francisco is the epicenter of "those damn liberals", so naturally this seemed like the logical choice.
Okay given that now I've rambled for onwards of nearly 1,000 words without even getting to Judgement Day I'll have to leave the concluding "chapter" of this story for tomorrow.

ohhh man....