Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 25 - Who Gives a Blog About America?

Well its official, I've obviously not kept up on my 30 days straight of blogging. Oh well, I figure I can do it whenever I feel like it rather than forcing myself to put up something everyday. In theory that should prevent my "content" from diluting....right? Right.

I've stated before that I want to keep this blog a politics free area, and I've done that so far...pretty much. Though today's blog might seem to be a political rant, I don't actually think it is. I think its more of a WTF is wrong with these people type post...but obviously that's for you to decide.

Recently President Obama visited Stockholm, Sweden to persuade the International Olympic Committee to bring the 2016 Summer Olympics to Chicago, his hometown. The committee had narrowed the choices down to the final four cities: Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. President Obama had spoken a few different times about how bringing the Olympics to the US would be a great stimulus to the local economy of the host city. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people would flock to Chicago from all over the world and spend money. In turn, Chicago would build and/or renovate stadiums to host the various events in, which creates jobs, etc. All in all, pretty simply put, it would be a terrific boon to the economy.

Well during President Obama's return trip from Stockholm it was announced that Chicago was to be eliminated from hosting contention. Naturally everyone should be at least somewhat disappointed in this. I mean after all it is something that would most definitely help both the economy and the image of America. As it would turn out, that very day there was a gathering of the conservative think tank Americans for Prosperity had their annual meeting in Virginia that morning. As you would imagine, being a conservative republican organization they must have been broken up about the IOC's decision to not take Chicago.


For those of you who don't have sound:

Girl in the background: If anyone cares, Chicago is out.
Crowd Cheers
Girl in the background: (Clearly Excited) On the very first vote!
Crowd Cheers

WHAT THE FUCK!? Really? The Americans for Prosperity are CHEERING at the fact that America just lost the Olympics to Brazil? Really!? Are you fucking kidding me? Remember when Michelle Bachmann (R-etarded) accused Democratic senators of being unpatriotic (only a mere 8 months ago) for not wearing flag lapel pins at all times? Are you kidding? This must have just been an isolated incident, right? I mean do Republicans really hate Obama more than they love America? Or was it a fucking ploy the whole time (as myself and many others have always believed) that they in fact don't like or even love the country they so vehemently defend?

As quoted from the Huffington Post:

"Fox News' Glenn Beck adopted a pained Italian accent to paint the Windy City as ruled by mob control. Beck's colleague, Sean Hannity, meanwhile, asked rhetorically if Chicago was really where 'we want the Olympics taking place.' On September 29, The Drudge Report ran a headline linking to an article about the death of a 16-year-old honor student in a gang fight: 'OLYMPIC SPIRIT: VIDEO SHOWS BRUTAL GANG MURDER IN CHICAGO.'"

Really? Repubs are now resorting to putting not just party ahead of country but hatred of the president above country. What world are these whackjobs living in? Pretty fucking pathetic if you ask me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Where's the guest post? DISAPPOINTED!

  3. yeah im going to blog about how guest bloggers are unreliable

  4. Well you should blog something. I expected 1 a day and now I'm getting nothing
