Yesterday I heard someone talking about Haiti and given the fact that this same person has previously mentioned that certain banks shouldn't be visited due to the presence of "dark homeless types" I had to pay attention--wondering just what other bigoted statements might come out of this clown's mouth. Well lo and behold, the first thing he says, "Oh you can't trust a Haitian..."
What...the...fuck!? How many Haitians do you think a guy who drives around in a 1988 Ford Econoline King Cab Van might have ever come in contact with? He did back up that statement with the ever so encompassing, "Well I did live in Southern Florida, so I have definitely seen a ton a Haitians." Oh...well in that case, touche sir, nothing more to see here...wait...no. So you're going to extrapolate, to all Haitian people, based on the limited knowledge you have that you can't trust a Haitian? Oh well do continue then good sir--and he most certainly did.
This fine specimen of a human then continued on to tell the subject of his verbal barrage that the Haitians not only don't deserve any help, that--yes indeed--they actually had it coming to them. Oh how Pat Robertson-esque of you, let me guess does it go back to the days when Haiti made a "deal with the devil", that now in some strange twist of events God has decided to fulfill? Douche isn't the word I'm looking for, but its up there.
At some point people like this need to be dealt with, and if there really was a God I'm convinced he would have done so by now. If I were a conniving man I could take the staunch opposite view of Pat Robertson and his ilk and pray to God that devastation hits Vatican City, and if they come asking for help I could have a blog that day titled, "Let them Eat Prayer", but fortunately I'm not as cynical as these so-called "holy" men. I wouldn't blame them for the devastation because things like this aren't a result of past transgressions they're random. Anyone who tries to say otherwise or that this was an act of God is flat lying; they should also be smacked in the face, hard.
Additionally yesterday, Massachusetts allowed a Republican to win the seat long held by Ted Kennedy. No there is no just kidding coming, this actually happened. I'm not exactly sure how something like this could happen, I mean its as likely as the state of California voting for Bush in an election, but it did.
So where do we go from here? All of the news outlets have been insisting that this is the end of the Health Care Reform push, and that the Democrats days are numbered. Oh, really? Why? This is a much larger pro-Democratic congress than Bush ever had and he basically got whatever he want simply by saying that if we didn't vote for this, then "the terrorists win". Maybe what we need is more hyperbole? Maybe the middle-class responds best to hyperbole, actually that's pretty obvious if you've seen anything that's come out of the Tea Parties.
It remains to be seen how this will affect the upcoming health care vote, but it surely can't be taken lightly and should be considered a referendum on President Obama. This one vote needs to be taken as a sign that he needs to be more aggressive and more forceful with his methods, don't seek the other side...they ignored us during the previous administration. Fuck Em. Do your thing, if they want to filibuster let them, and then pass the vote when they stop. Use Executive privilege, you didn't see Tea Parties when Bush abused the Executive branch, in fact they liked him. Do just that. If a vote you wanted to get through didn't pass, just stamp that shit and send it out. Quit waiting for the others to get on board...if you don't pretty soon there won't be enough of them...You're the leader, make the decisions and get it done. Please.
Great post!
ReplyDeleteYou say that the Mass. vote is a "referendum on President Obama." and then spew some comment about furthing himself from the "other side"? C'mon scott-the public has spoken and they've said that they've had enough of the BS going on. I say its time for Obama to reach out to the other side, listen to the voice of the people, and get a fix for health care that is bipartison and will actually work-instead of shoving something through that has no chance of success.
ReplyDeleteBipartisanship? What's bipartisan about the republicans making no concessions when they're in the minority?
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't think its a referendum on his policies I think its a referendum on his lack of initiative, people loved Bush's initiative and he was the most partisan President in history
ReplyDeleteI would say that it is a referendum on his policies-everything from the stimulus package, guantanamo, pakistan, cash for clunkers, now a health care reform that is doomed to fail....i feel that he's alienating many democrats and discouraging republicans from accepting him. He needs to do something that shows he's listening to the people. And i'm not saying that the republicans are free from guilt-they could try to meet him halfway-but any attempts have not been recieved with open minds by the majority.
ReplyDeleteYeah I mean by no means (on a large scale) is he thriving so far as the POTUS, but he has done more for the environment than probably any previous administration already. I'd like to see this health care thing finished already and then put it to bed so we can focus on the million other issues that are either beginning to or already have reared their heads...Also I think its fair to say that by now the stimulus package has obviously made a difference for these companies if for nothing else than a cash flow perspective; the gov't stands to make quite a bit of money off of it, additionally Cash for Clunkers (itself) was a good idea, the problem is now that people are forgetting that gas is a finite resource and rebuying SUVs and low MPG vehicles, b/c they're "cheap", it makes me pretty upset at just how shortsighted people in this country really are
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't think that Democrats are discouraging Republicans from accepting him, the problem really is the Republicans are trying to take a stand as the "anti-Obama" party in order to garner votes this fall...its sad that our gov't is in a constant state of election so nothing ever really gets done
"its sad that our gov't is in a constant state of election so nothing ever really gets done"
ReplyDeleteToo true.