I'm going to try and start a tradition of linking to some stories, articles, videos, or other miscellaneous things every week or so as a way of filling space and posting blogs that aren't actually blog entries passing along some of the interesting stuff I've found over the week or so. So anyway, here we go!:
*As an ATT subscriber, and an iPhone user and I've recently become fascinated with the "war" that's taking place between Verizon and ATT. I've never had any sort of loyalty (nor will I ever) on one side or the other; in fact, the only reason I actually got ATT was to eventually get the iPhone, if at some point the exclusivity deal between ATT & Apple expires, so will my interest in renewing my contract with ATT. But I'm sure you've seen those "We've got a Map for that" commercials by Verizon, accurately claiming that their 3G network is much larger and more expansive than ATT's...well the recent ATT rebuttal was to hire Luke Wilson to throw a bunch of post cards on a giant map...awesome. Well, I'm fairly certain they've given up on that and now ATT's latest desperate attempt at redemption is to pass the blame elsewhere, Apple. Riiight so it's Apple's fault that you suck, okay I got it. Good work, so they're going to go from "fewest dropped calls" to most dropped manufacturers. Brilliant work. Hey how about instead of spending millions of dollars on a shitty ad campaign you spend that money retrofitting your network so that I don't have a dropped call every 32 goddamn seconds! Moreover, now Apple's shoddy network and nefarious blame shifting practices has started an actual revolt. This should end well...
*Remember back in 1998 when Bill Clinton "did not have sexual relations with that woman"? Well, we all know what happened and how that whole thing ended up. The Moral Majority, led by the "do as I say not as I do" figurehead Newt Gingrinch and Kenneth Star got President Clinton Impeached, only to have all their efforts spoiled by the Senate. Anyway, the reason I bring this up isn't to tie it into Tiger Woods...because I don't care about that, he's a golfer...its to bring it back to Mark Sanford. Remember him? Governor of South Carolina, went missing for a few days last year, said he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail, ooonly to then have it come out that he was in Brazil having an affair with his "soul mate". Well as it would turn out, him having an affair might upset people, ESPECIALLY, those people in the south who's sworn duty it is to uphold and protect the sanctity of marriage...and as you would expect, Mark Sanford is getting a lot of heat from that same Moral Majority crowd that so despised Clinton, in the latest poll 33% of people described as "values" voters in South Carolina think Sanford should be impeached because of his affair. So thats pretty good, at least their consisten.....wait....33% percent? 1 out of 3 of the "values voters" think Sanford should step down or be impeached...well that must be at least close to the same number that wanted Clinton to be impeaa....whaaaa, in 1998 the same poll was conducted and 88% of the "values voters" wanted Clinton impeached...talk about inconsistency, so only 33% of "values voters" think its immoral for Republicans to have affairs, but 88% of those same voters think its immoral for Democrats to do it....riight talk to me more about not letting politics cloud one's judgement.
*This year's Golden Globe nominations were announced today and of the five Best Picture nominations, I've only seen Inglorious Basterds. What I found most interesting, and exciting, about the list was the presence of the movie Avatar (in theaters this weekend!). So, in theory, what this means is that we've not only got a blockbuster movie on our hands coming up this weekend, but its also a "good" movie. Although given some of the previous Best Picture nominations by the Golden Globes maybe I should temper my excitement because the last time James Cameron had a nominated movie was Titanic...I will say I'm a little disappointed (though still not surprised based on their history) that they left out Star Trek. Say want you want about sci-fi and Trekkies, I've heard it all, but this was an outstanding movie from start to finish. I have a feeling that 10 years from now out of all of the movies that came out (are still coming out) this year Star Trek will be one of the one's with the most rewatch value. Rewatch value is a seriously underrated, though intangible, statistic that should factor into these nomination a bit more. Because seriously, how many times are you going to rewatch a depressing war movie that hits a little too close to home like The Hurt Locker...now I'm sure its a great movie, and have only heard good things, but are you watching it twice or even three times??? Come on.
*Pitchfork.com released their Top 100 Songs of the Year list, and as usual I have quite a few issues with it, I'm not going to wax poetic about all of the issues I have with it, as that would be fairly verbose to say the least, but I would like to address two particular issues. Also one quick note, if Vegas handicapped Pitchfork's list they would have set the line for My Girls being the top song somewhere around 7-5...so damn predictable guys, and so damn wrong. Anyway.
Where are Chi Don't Dance and Pizza Hut and Taco Bell....really? While they may not be the best songs ever, they're certainly memorable in their own respect and most importantly they HAVE to be among the TOP 100 SONGS RELEASED THIS YEAR. Jesus guys.
Pitchfork's Top 50 Albums of the Year are to be announced later this year, it'll be interesting (and likely disappointing) to see how that pans out.
As for now, here's a prediction on their top 5 albums of the year:
#1. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
#2. Girls - Album
#3. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
#4. Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
#5. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
If I could place a 5 song Parlay bet on these 5 albums in this order I'd throw down $20 on it.
Alright that's all for now, if I put too much on here there won't be any other reason for you to visit the other sites on the internets.
Good post